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Are Women Ready For This?

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But the sacrifices don’t end there. A national study of unpaid women caregivers finds that:

[if !supportLists]- [endif]33% reduce their working hours

[if !supportLists]- [endif]29% pass up a promotion, training or assignment

[if !supportLists]- [endif]22% take a leave of absence

[if !supportLists]- [endif]20% switch from full- to part-time employment

These statistics don’t tell the complete story. Every number represents lives impacted by LTC. A wife who puts a thriving career on hold to care for an ailing spouse- A daughter who visits her aging parents daily to cook, clean and maintain the home- A mother helping a convalescing son after a car accident. Women give up so much for the ones they love.

Women today have a greater risk of needing LTC services and becoming unpaid caregivers. It’s an important time for women to develop an LTC strategy to help preserve their family, career, lifestyle, health and total financial future.

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